Monday, November 19, 2012

Gays For Israel!

Gays For Israel!

We were marched to death camps together.

No matter where we live, our homes, our lifestyles, our families, our friends, attacked, vandalized, censored ... say anything, the hateful twist our words, accuse, sensationalize, in the pathetic attempt to 'justify' their meanness.

Only a Jew and JWit would feed me, clothe me, house me, when the Str8 Married fired me for being Gay Married.

Iran's GHAM Diversion actually has support here in the US, it goes like this:  the US's "green-enviro-occupy-positive-thinking" philosophy is hammering Jews and Gays and Mormons as "negatives" against merciless "positive-cross-signs" -- just like Hitler.

 -- it's funded;
 -- it's organized;
 -- and just like Berlin pre '39, it's a HigherEd Ca$hCow Golden Idol, worshiped, ignorance that kills.

GHAM Diversion:  "Gaza Hamas Morsi Assad" -- and the "positive-thinking" crusade of hate and intolerance that proves love of Hitler, not peace, proves love of religious-extremism masqueraded as 'moderatism,' not the radical fanatacism it's always been since ancient Persia.

I pointed-out that Israel would be SAFER if Obama was not re-elected. That's not about the "Positive vs Negative" cycle of intolerance HigherEd sells to profit from atop rubble, misery and grief like religious extremists do.  It's about BLAME, cuz that's his 'legacy' so far, and saying "we fully support" such and such, then faking it.

Morsi is a radical, not a moderate.  He supports Hamas, which is the same as saying "Israel has no right to exist."  That's what Hamas is.  They hide WMD in Palestinian homes, don't care which woman or child is killed to stop a rocket or mortar fire, photo-op from atop the rubble, misery and grief, their goal:  blame Israel, blame Jews, blame DIVERSITY, and teach the world to hate it too.

The religious extremism, be it HigherEd or Mosque or Temple or Cathedral or "positve-thinking" MUST STOP!

US Troops should be in Gaza and Lebanon and march on Syria, stop setting-up Jews and Queers as your catch-all "scapegoats".  The situation is outrageous.  The USERY is repugnant.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Gays For Romney? PART II


I know what real attacks are.  I know what real wounds are.  I know what real spilt-blood is. Words do not cause 'wounds' unless imagined, faked.  I've never struck anyone, but have been just for being Gay, and one time for my free-expression about faith.  NEVER FORGET.

My Jew-ish faith is in AllThings, all of us, all of you, all of 'them,' all of 'us,' that we'll celebrate our differences and empower diversity, not hate it.

It's not a "Mormon Loss."  But I'm not stupid.  The GOP won, the 'big agenda' more than one office or office-holder.  It's about control.  Controlling the GOP's Republican Strategy.

The infighting within the GOP is which denomination 'rises from the ashes' with a 'sparkling clean coat,' and which will forevermore be viewed as the religious extremists, obstructionists, throwbacks of bygone eras. And Catholicism has a vested-interest in that, too.

It was ''the usual,'' as far as US'an elections go.  Tiny 'successes' hyped as 'major victories;' monumental blunders hailed as 'your fault' or anybody else's 'fault'; and the end-result is a $5,000/yr PAY CUT for workers, so HigherEd SYSTEMS' employees can give themselves more ...

 ... more, more, more, at the expense of successful businesses and The People, taxpayers.  More for them, more job-security for generations of college-grads to push paperFAKEwork at taxpayer expense, building bureaucrazies, instead of reducing/eliminating forest-killing paperwork systems.


It really is related.  Just as 'the masses' were never allowed to dispute religious dogma for fear of being cast-out as a 'heretic,' 'infidel,' blasphemer,' 'sinner,' 'possessed of evil,' etc., all we hear from "the educated" is "the science speaks for itself" (but you're neither a Monsignor nor Scientist), and, "just believe," so all who do not are cast-out for their "lack of faith."  And that's not 'science' nor 'scientific' at all.  It's religion, just another hateful religious-extremist agenda.

I read a letter to the Editor recently in the Spokesman Review from someone that says "the science speaks for itself." So, I ask, that's 'justification' for raising taxes, curbing development, blaming consumers for the "scientifically developed" products they consume?  The 'credentials' came from the same place, afterall, those who developed "the system" and those who blame YOU for being BORN INTO IT as a mindfuck to take your pay and pay themselves.


It's extremism.  It's outrageous.  No plant, animal, fish or bird is of "higher value" than YOU, and I just don't give a flying-fuck who you fuck, even if you're the head of the CIA.

All this "fucking business" is a diversion.  Whenever Legislators need one, they thrust crotches in our faces, blue dresses and PRIVATES, as if suddenly Privacy Rights, or lack thereof, is the only "moral value" there is. Perverts look through windows into the bedrooms of others.  Legislators proving who they are, as usual.

A decorated war-hero, not pillaging, raping or robbing, but suddenly "unqualified" to serve and protect, due to sexual-orientation issues?  It's an insult to all.

The Global Warming religion and cult-following, as well as the Bedroom Peeping Toms, are very similar in their "projecting," thriving on ridicule and scorn of others for "not believing" 'correctly,' in the pathetic attempt at making themselves-out as 'superior.'

Who uses the most paper?  Who produces the most paper?  Who developed the paper systems that "depletes forests" and who is promoting strip-mining of forests to extract the most resources for their "way of life"?  HigherEd's people.  One 'scientist' consumes more resources, more FOSSIL FUELS, more strip-mined forest products, contributing the most to energy consumption and travel-related air-particulate pollutions than all others.  One flight across country to TALK about how to ridicule and scorn consumers for BREATHING uses more fuel, "up in smoke," than you driving an old shitty beatup pickup getting 12mpg for a thousand years.

And they scratch their heads claiming they'll "find solutions" about ECONOMY?  Either one, the 'traditional' religionists or the 'scientific' version is one in the same:  ECONOMY KILLERS, spewing Jeremiah-styled 'prophecies' of "world destruction if you don't ..." ... (endless list of 'sins').

It's bullying.  It's oppressive.  It's offensive.  It's hateful.

Meanwhile, if anybody thinks this was a "successful" election-cycle, think again.  It divided this country evenly.  Split it in two.  Taught half the country how to hate the other, and vice versa.  And it cost $8B ... money that was 'donated' but not one dime went to the poor, or the starving, or the homeless, or a wounded war veteran, or a traumatized Gay, or stigmatized Lesbian, or developed a cure for anything, it was a Media GOLD RUSH, that's all.  And they can't wait for another.  The more expensive, the more divisive, the better (for them, 'to hell with the country' the message from that facet of HigherEd SYSTEMS failure).

But don't think about it, another Commander's penis is of 'higher value?'  Fuck you.

When asked what I thought of the election, I laughed, stuck my nose in the newspaper I was reading, self-defense, said, "I don't care."

Palm slap on table, "Oh come on!" and "You do too!" in both ears, simultaneously. We all laughed.  I never say who I vote for, I don't know the people I vote for, personally, I just evaluate the 'platforms' and 'results', their 'ideas' and their 'aspirations.'  That's good citizenship, not hating people due to their votes.  A guy on the news is calling for 'revolution,' in hatred of Democracy.  Crazy shit, man.  Utterly crazy.

But one thing is clear:  religious-extremism won't stop until it's stopped.  And the proved 'god' of 'believers' is about stopping people from pursuits of happiness, life and liberty.  People they don't even know and will never meet, in SYSTEMS they've never experienced, are blind to, wearing shoes they've never 'walked' in, yet think they have a 'right' to condemn, punish, hurt.  Doesn't matter if it's about "Curse of Ham" racism, or Womens' Rights to be free from religious oppression, or Same-sex Marriage or the 'blasphemy' of not being in lock-step with Theory Worshipers and claiming that's what 'science' is about.  Religious-extremism must be stopped, in all it's ugly forms, all it's ugly permutations.

Republicans forgot their 'core values' to substitute somebody else's 'beliefs' to worship as votes.  It's about Evangelicals, Fundamentalists, extremists posing as 'moderates,' usurping control, not just over life, limb and liberty, but the GOP, education, science, government, and blaming Mormons.

And they're not losing at that, at all.  That's a real 'threat,' not an imagined one, nobody has to 'just believe' it, and you don't need "special ordinations" in order to be "enlightened" so "you too can know the joys of understanding it."  It's a level of "political science" that is ignored, but everybody experiences it.

I wish I had notes, or more time, so I could edit, expound, re-arrange thoughts here, but I'm at the library, with a one-hour time-limit, quickly typing thoughts, and like all people, I have a lot of those!  lol

So it's not a "Mormon loss," because those doing the 'winning' sold a $5k/yr PAY CUT for The People in order to give themselves raises, saying "just believe we're not doing that".  And the 'believers' goose-stepped in lock-step.

NEW CONGRESS AGENDA:  blame Gays.  We're their 'whippin' boys' again, as usual.  And they'll do anything to blame Mormons and Gays.


Mr Romney (not that he'd ever read this), you ran a campaign of dignity, whether I agree with your positions or not, and that's an 'improvement' over usual campaigning.  Thanks for that.  Had you embraced diversity, GayLandIs (Gay, Lesbian, Bi, TransGender, GeneMod, Celibate, we of the assorted 'queer' world population), you'd have won, but the GOP wasn't looking for that.

Our differences are strengths.  NEVER FORGET.

Mr. Obama, congratulations; I don't like your 'platform' either, and selling $5K/yr PAY CUTS (increased fees, fines, regulations, hastles, taxes, mandated ins., etc), as "economic recovery" is just as religiously-extremist disengenuous as that which you are entrusted to serve and protect We The People against.  Please strive to improve.

Kind Regards, always,
Clayton Winton